extremely random quiz

The cages that they have kept your pickles in are so insideout. this is not rude to say because i have no idea what i am typing about the pie has been helped.

The last summer that has been recorded in time's endless cycle has been renewed by fresh sprite from the warehouse in arkansas. I realy dont know if there is such thing.

Created by: voices inside your head

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. isn't this an awesome quiz!!?
  2. what type of clothes do you usually wear?
  3. where do you use the bathroom?
  4. are you a mooncalf?
  5. when was the last time you ran into a tree while being 20 FT in the air? p.s. if you picked "what iz a mooncalf?" on the last question, then the answer is the last answer in the 10th question
  6. it is 7:33 in da mourning here!
  7. don't turn around!!!
  8. what iz your favorite insult 2 yell at people ???
  9. y did u take this quiz??
  10. how many times can you lick your eye in 28 seconds?
  11. how many times can you lick your eye in 28 seconds?
  12. you see a guy with a "no chocolate pudding" sign what do you do?
  13. you are in the mall and you see a guy giving out free hugs what do you do?
  14. your worst enemy stuffs you inside a soda machine, what is your reaction?
  15. what color is my toe hair?
  16. how do you know that i don't have toe hair..... do you stalk me?
  17. have you taken the random quiz of randomness? (if you have not, you should)
  18. what iz your favorite food?
  19. do you like can i has cheezburger.com? (home to LOL cats)
  20. WHAT are you?
  21. are you getting board of this quiz?!!
  22. is this the longest quiz on gotoquiz.com you have ever taken???
  23. what was question 9?
  24. have you ever been dumped and loved it???
  25. do you soak your feet in chicken fat?
  26. r u shrinking?
  27. r u british(im not!)
  28. r u gonna rate or comment??

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