Extreme Bed Wetting Challenge 2

Want a challenge? Then take this quiz. This is the second edition of this quiz. This quiz gives you an extremely hard bed wetting challenge to do. At the end of a challenge, I guarantee your bed will be soaked in pee.

I love bed wetting. If you like pee, then these challenges will be great for you. If you don’t like bed wetting, they might just make you actually like it. Have Fun.

Created by: Alex Kingery
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What do you wear for underwear? (Males)
  4. What do you wear for underwear? (Females)
  5. What do you have for a bed?
  6. Do you have a waterproof mattress protector?
  7. Do you live with your parents?
  8. Is there someone who is going to do this challenge with you?
  9. Do you like to wet the bed?
  10. What do you normally wear to bed?
  11. Do you like to get swirlies?

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