Excuse me while i ugly cry quiz

This quiz is about excuse me while i ugly cry. your mom, i need word and letters gl;ndfgnvoees[ dlfno skjb poabnofjvo o;bfkj;b ;oasibf loawbd ;sodcf ;aqf

lfkjc ;fsjv ;wejonfl ;ojflk ;oqejfl ;jqwrf;k ;kefj;k ;ejbf nkjfn;k qerfclk f;jbnslk ;oewhf[qok; oihndmn jkjdkqwuhldqeh kejl hbl fv hippaiw ihpijjsbpiebo[

Created by: Jessica
  1. Who is Quinn's neighbor?
  2. Who does Quinn switch her notebook with?
  3. Who is Destiny's new friend?
  4. Does Gia like Quinn?
  5. What did Quinn's notebook get switched with?
  6. Where does Carter originally think he lost the notebook?
  7. Who is Hattie?
  8. What does Quinn wear to school?
  9. Who is Quinn in love with?
  10. Does Quinn think Carter is the one blackmailing her?

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