Evil Pottermore Sorting Hat (What house you shouldnt be in)

So you got your house? Well maybe try getting your NOT house? Haha.lets get this party started because I just can’t wait any longer dude, its been so long!

I personally am Slytherin and will come back to edit the quiz to tell you what house im not in. Edit: im back and I’ve got Hufflepuff as my House I shouldn’t be in!

Created by: MaisiexNellie
  1. What’s your lifestyle?
  2. What is your Hogwarts house (duhhh)
  3. What would be your second House option
  4. Who is your favourite teacher
  5. What’s your favourite food
  6. What’s your style
  7. Who is the most important person to you
  8. Who is your favourite person in the Golden Trio.
  9. Who is your favourite from the Silver and Bronze Trio
  10. Did you enjoy this test and will you leave a like and comment? x

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