Ever After High Quiz

Do you know anything about Ever After High? If not, buh-bye, if you do, come take this awesomely amazing quiz and let's see if you really know.

Do you know anything about Ever After High? If not, buh-bye, if you do, come take this awesomely amazing quiz and let's see if you really know. (I wrote this sentence again because I had nothing else to write)

Created by: Madeline Hatter
  1. What is Cerise Hood's real name?
  2. What is the name of Madeline Hatter's dorm mouse?
  3. What is the animal that was released from the prison?
  4. What was the prison called?
  5. What was Raven Queen's pet?
  6. Which of these four are enemies?
  7. What was the name of the Emperor's assistant?
  8. In Unfairest of them All, what did a little girl call Nevermore?
  9. What is one sentence from the first riddle?
  10. Who is your favorite character? List 1
  11. List 2

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