
Don't worry about yourself. You are the smartest. If you're not a genius, then still don't worry. This is just a paragraph, but it says everything. You're tough, so don't worry about anything!

You are always the best... or the worst. Either you're the best... or the worst. Since you can be the best... or the worst. Enough of that now, baby! You're the best... and the worst.

Created by: Ester
  1. What subject do you like the most with horses?
  2. What colour of the horse do you love, love, love?
  3. This question has actually no effect, you know. But it's like this, guys. If you were allowed to choose a horse, what would it be like?
  4. What's your top 4 favourite animals?
  5. If you could choose, what would your best friend be like?
  6. If you have your own pony, what do you do when you're training?
  7. What is your wish to be when you grow up?
  8. What is your favourite horse's name?
  9. Who is your idol?
  10. What hair colour do you have?
  11. Are you ready for the last question? OK! Your age...

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