ERT Training Quiz 1

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Test your understanding. Read each question carefully and click on the best answer. It is not a race, so don't feel any pressure to speed through the questions.

This quiz will just gauge how well you are following along with the material and tracking with the training so far. We hope we will never have to use this knowledge, but we want every team member to be as prepared as possible.

Created by: ASLAN Security of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. What is a key benefit of emergency response team training?
  2. What are some components typically included in emergency response team training?
  3. How do practical exercises enhance emergency response team training?
  4. What is not a primary responsibility of an ERT member?
  5. What skill do team members develop through training "simulation events"?
  6. What is the primary goal of the Single Armed and Unarmed Intruder Simulation Plan?
  7. Why is it important to mentally prepare for intruders?
  8. What key benefit does simulation training provide in real-life intruder scenarios?
  9. An violent intruder is in the venue. What is an appropriate first response by North/South Venue positions:
  10. In the event of a violent intruder, all other ERT staff should move quickly to back-up ERT members located in venue except:

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