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Created by: Elly1Everything
  1. Me: Hello! I don't know what i'm doing but I guess I will just make something random! Bakugo: Your stupid Me: *smacks head with book* EXCUSE ME!!
  2. Me: Dinner!! Cinna: Food! Hannah: I. need. food. Everyone else: *runs and walks to the dinner table* Bakugo: Wha are we eating. Me: Just eat :3
  3. William: *teleports to get food then teleports back to his room* Me: Rude! Cinna: What is this? Me: I don't know. New recipe Everyone: It's good! Me: Why thank you! :33
  4. Kirishima: Let's watch a movie! Uraraka: Yeah! Common Deku! Deku: Uh- Okay Me: *smacks Bakugo* Bakugo: What did I ever do to you!?! Cinna: Stop Elly!!
  5. Hannah: I'm going to bed... Me: Why!?! It's movie time! Cinna: Stay!! Audrey: *nobs yes* Hannah: I. Am. Tired! Me: *throws things at Bakugo* Bakugo: What is your problem!!
  6. (This is dedicated to Bakugo) Me: I hate you Bakugo: I hate you to Me: I love you Bakugo: *blasts me with fire* Me: XDDD You missed
  7. Me: *dances wierdly* :33 Everyone else: *dances wierdly* Me: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Everyone: *stares*
  8. I don't have anything else to put on here right now sooo...
  9. McDonalds burgers! Are nasty! I only like their fries :33 Yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy
  10. Boi!

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