Equinoxian History Quiz

Equinox is a Historical region, dating back to 2008, we are reaching Year 7 of Existence later this June. Equinox has suffered the great highs of NationStates, to the great lows. Take the test and see if you really do know Equinox!

Ranging from topics of Guild foundings, to Guild stances to various events and position holders of the region, test your skills and see what Equinox really is about!

Created by: Asylum of Equinox
(your link here more info)

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who has been the longest serving World Assembly Delegate of Equinox?
  2. Who is considered the Original Founder of the Lords Guild?
  3. Which of the following was an actual position of the Government of Equinox?
  4. Which Guild was reowned for its military, The Crusaders of Justice?
  5. Island Union/Asylum left this guild to go on to found the guild "The Mafia"
  6. Who is the all time post leader in Equinox?
  7. Which member of Equinox is considered to be the creator of Equinomics' basic original structure?
  8. Jolly Roger School of Swashbuckling and Ninjitsu was the result of these two guilds merging together.
  9. True/False: Equinox had a reigning King.
  10. Which Historical guild was once its own region and merged into Equinox?
  11. During its lifetime, how was the Director of Finance selected?
  12. Who was the first elected Chancellor of Equinox?
  13. After the Vice Chancellor was introduced, who was the first winning ticket of Chancellor/Vice Chancellor
  14. Which was the first active raiding guild of Equinox?
  15. True/False. Equinox had its own web domain at one point.
  16. True/False: During the Inactive years of 2013-2015, was the region ever raided by foreign powers?
  17. True/False: Equinox is a safe haven to any player no matter military alignment.
  18. In 2015 Equinox benefited from the massive influx of new players from which popular website?
  19. Which Guild has an raider/invader stance of military?
  20. Which popular player was banned by Falconias for a foreign affairs incident, but was overturned by the Courts?
  21. Which foreign region was the only region that Equinox had a Treaty proposal reach the Senate for debate?
  22. Which of the following members did NOT serve as Minister of Culture?
  23. What is the regional newspaper's name?
  24. Which of the following events was an not Culture Event?
  25. What is the current official title of the Equinox forums?
  26. Under which Minister of Culture's watch, did the Guild Wars occur?
  27. Who created the Jolly Roger School Forum Theme/Skin?
  28. Which of the following is a member in the Equinox Hall of Fame, and the Equinox NationStates Hall of Fame?
  29. Which NationState family was the Royal Family of Equinox?
  30. Who was elected Foreign Viceroy after the Revival of 2015 began?

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