Epics of mahabharatham

Hai friends!I am bhuvana.I am doing my schooling in Coimbatore district.I have created this quiz for the most geniuses in the world.this quiz is full and full of epics.

Are you a genius?then confidently attend my quiz.I am a diehard fan of mahabharatha.I love that epic very much.so I would like to share what I have known about it to you.

Created by: Bhuvana
  1. Who is the brother of kanthari?
  2. What was bhishma's original name?
  3. Who are pandu's wife?
  4. Who is the son of dronacharya?
  5. Who is the only girl in gauravas?
  6. What is the name of kunthi's friend?
  7. What was sakuni's father's name?
  8. To whom nakul and sahadev were born?
  9. Karna was bought up by
  10. Who was the chariot for bhishma?
  11. What is name of karna's wife?
  12. On playing the game of dice,who was kept equal for nakul by duryodhan?
  13. Who was the son of subhadra?
  14. How many days did Mahabharata war continue?
  15. Who is the friend of kanthari?
  16. Who was dronacharya's wife?
  17. In the Mahabharata war,who was the chariot for karna?
  18. Who was the son of durupad maharaj?
  19. Who is wife of vasudev Krishna?
  20. What is the name of abhimanyu's wife?
  21. Whose character was "saindhari"?
  22. On which day did bhishma fall on the bed of arrows?
  23. To whom karna was born?
  24. What is the name of abhimanyu'son?
  25. Who killed utthira's son in her womb?
  26. For whom did vidura was born?
  27. Who was the husband of ambikai and ambalikai?
  28. How many sons did satyavati have?

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