Epic Zombie Survival Quiz

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My quize is hard, you can do it! Try it! What are you waiting for?! My quize is about zombies! so... do it know! it is free! I promis i won't make yo pay.

So DO IT! Okay? For me? And yourself? And your score? And for the fun of taking zombie invasion tests Please?! Okay than zombie lovers... take the test!

Created by: Travis

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If you could pick one place to go in a zombie invasion, where would it be?
  2. If you could pick three people to go with, who would they be?
  3. What would be your plan?
  4. Favorite zombie type to kill?
  5. Favorite zombie killing blont object?
  6. Favorite gun or exsplosives to use on zombies?
  7. Favorite thing to do in zombie invasion?
  8. What would you take with you?
  9. Favorte atomobile to use in zombie invasion?
  10. During a zombie invasion, on the raideo, what station would you be on?

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