Entrance exam to Institute of Fear

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Greetings friends, I am your procter for the entrance exam to the famous Institute of Fear that is located in the 3rd district of Kelorn. My name is Lyra.

If you are the daughter of a member of the goverment than you probally already know your rank because you will automaticly be Impossible and will always be admited.

Created by: Lyra Jane
  1. What shade of blue did the goverment die your hair at birth?
  2. What color does the goverment make you wear?
  3. What rank is your family?
  4. Why were you chosen to live?
  5. What is your number?
  6. How much property do you own?
  7. Which district were you chosen to live in?
  8. Are you human?
  9. What is your sexuality?
  10. Are you --------? Your radio cuts out, the answers are:

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