Endocrine Disorders

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Are you fretting about the endocrine disorder test? Want to practice and see what you know? That's what this is for! Click the link to get started and see how well you do.

This quiz is for nursing students who want to see how much they know about disorders of the endocrine system. Some of the questions are NCLEX style, so pay attention.

Created by: Tiffany S

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  1. Acromegaly is a syndrome that results when excess growth hormone is produced. What is the likely cause?
  2. "If acromegaly is developed in teenage years, it's called _________ and results in excess height." Fill in the blank.
  3. Surgery is an effective treatment for acromegaly. This treatment involves an incision made into the gum beneath the upper lip.
  4. Diabetes Insipidus is a condition in which the kidneys are unable to conserve water. Which of the following is not a sign or symptom of DI?
  5. Central DI is associated with a lack of ADH (antidiuretic hormone/vasopressin). The decrease in ADH results in fluid and electrolyte imbalances due increased urinary output. What is the priority nursing action when treating a client with DI?
  6. What test is done to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes insipidus?
  7. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion(SIADH) is characterized by excessive release of ADH which results in the inability to produce and secrete dilute urine, water retention, increased extracellular fluid volume, and hyponatremia. What is the most common cause of this condition?
  8. Mrs. Joh presents to the clinic with Graves disease (hyperthyroidism). She would complain of which one of the following conditions.
  9. The MD has ordered Lugol's solution for Mrs. Joh. Which of the following patient's statements indicates the need for further teaching?
  10. Mrs. Joh presented to the ER with complaints of nausea and difficulty breathing. You assess her and determine a temperature of 106F and a rapid pulse. Her husband told you that she hasn't taken her Lugol's solution since it was prescribed last year. Based on the information you've obtained on assessment and through her husband, what is the most likely cause of Mrs. Joh's condition?
  11. Goiters produce hormones.
  12. Which of the following is not an appropriate nursing action for a patient recovering from a thyroidectomy?
  13. The patient who has had a thyroidectomy complains of the inability to move her lips and severe muscle spasms. These symptoms are most likely caused by what condition?
  14. In your suspicions, you lightly tap on the patient's cheek to determine if there is a sign of tetany. What is this sign called?
  15. Mr. Garvey is being treated for thyroid cancer with RAI 131 uptake. Which of the following statements indicates the need for further teaching?

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