
This is a quiz I made about the 2002 film "Dahmer". I hope you do well on this quiz today and that you like my quiz. I worked hard on it, and the questions aren't too hard. ;)

I hope you like my quiz. I am a big fan of the actors in this movie and I think it was a fabulous movie that deserved to be loved. Read the questions good before answering!

Created by: Emily Hickman.

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who played Jeffrey Dahmer in this film?
  2. What was found in the trunk or "Chemistry box" in Jeffrey's closet?
  3. Why did Jeffrey's father want to see what was in the box for?
  4. What did Jeffrey tell his dad was in the box?
  5. What did Jeffrey's grandma say bothered her about Jeffrey?
  6. Was there a mannequin in Jeffrey's closet?
  7. What was the name of the man that said he thought Jeffrey was "beautiful"?
  8. Where did Jeffrey and his father go after Jeffrey's dad found his ring in the chemistry box?
  9. What would Jeffrey do to his victims in the film?
  10. What did Jeffrey usually wear in the film?
  11. What was the song Rodney was dancing to on the radio at Jeffrey's apartment?
  12. What kinds of drinks would Jeffrey usually make for the men at his apartment?
  13. What did Jeffrey try to strangle Rodney with at the ending of the film?
  14. Did Jeffrey end up killing Rodney?
  15. What was Jeffrey's dad's name?

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