Element House Academy Day 1 (if T is your roommate)

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This quiz is part of the Element House Quizzes series I hope you enjoy it! I’m getting lazy so I’m copy and pasting these parts from now on!! Don’t be mad!

Only Take this If T is your roommate!! I hope you enjoy this. THIS ON IS KINDA IMPORTANT! Other ones up to this point and more the build up but THIS is where the story begins!

Created by: Vanessa P.
  1. Does T like you (result from previous quiz)
  2. Ok, thanks! Now onto the story! T wakes you up, “Hey. Sorry to wake you but I thought you might wanna get up early on your first day!” You respond
  3. “Oh, ok!” He says and you go to get dressed! What do you where.
  4. You walk out of the dorm together and start your journey to the campus. T asks what your gonna eat for breakfast
  5. After that it’s of to your first class! Math! T sits beside you as Your teacher asks a question “What’s 5 +2?” T raises his hand what do you do?
  6. After Math it’s time for P.E! T asks “Do you wanna warm up with me?” You say
  7. After p.e you head to lunch! What are you getting?
  8. After lunch you have creative electives! What do you do?
  9. After that you go to the dorm and see T sitting on his bed seemingly upset you say
  10. He confesses that he misses his family. (Me: Aww) you say
  11. Bye

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Quiz topic: Element House Academy Day 1 (if T is my roommate)
