Ecological footprint area: WATER AND FOREST

The Als quiz will allow you to understand how involved you are in the eco world. Each question has 5 answers, choose the appropriate answer at the end know your eco knowledge level ☺.

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Created by: Milena Navoyan
  1. I always turn off the taps in our apartment so that the water does not flow unnecessarily.
  2. I turn off the tap when I wash my soap or take a shower.
  3. When brushing my teeth, I turn off the water.
  4. Taking a shower takes no more than 5 minutes.
  5. In summer we do not freeze food under drinking water.
  6. In the morning or evening we water the plants and meadows in the yard.
  7. We collect rainwater in our own houses, use it for irrigation and other purposes.
  8. Landscaping the school area
  9. Grow houseplants
  10. Are you participating in tree planting?

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