Easy quiz plz don't click here

There might be a lot of smart people in this world, but some are dumb enough to not know an easy baby equation, such as zero plus zero. If you master this test, move on!

Are you a genius,or a idiot? Maybe in between. Take this test to find out your intelligence of your brain. By the way, it sucks how you get held back if you don't pass this quiz. Good luck!

Created by: Anonymous

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okay,let's get started. What is 1+0?
  2. Do you want Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton to be elected for President?
  3. Are you ready for some harder questions?
  4. What is a dog?
  5. What is a flower
  6. What was the first president?
  7. What is a dictionary
  8. What is a map?
  9. What does hello mean?
  10. Did you kike my quiz?
  11. Are you ready to find out if you are smart enough to go to elementary school?

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