Easy math quiz!

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Do you know what will your score in school if you do click this I hope you’re at least in the second grade to do this .Or maybe you’re just too clever but I don’t like people bragging about this .

I hope I hope you enjoy this quiz it took me like forever to do that OK maybe it’s not true I only took less than an hour to finish it but I am a beginner and please please don’t shove that in my face

Created by: Chloe
  1. 1+1
  2. 12*13
  3. 11*11
  4. 3*37
  5. 12+13
  6. 1000*13
  7. 4*6+4*4
  8. X+1=4 X=?
  9. Easy, right?
  10. Bye

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