Easy Civil War Quiz

Lets find out how much you know about the Civil War...everyone on my friends list is from the south...so we shall see how much Confederate history you actually know

Lets find out how much you know about the Civil War...everyone on my friends list is from the south...so we shall see how much Confederate history you actually know?

Created by: Steve

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who lead the Army of Northern Virginia during the war?
  2. Who won the battle of Gettysburg?
  3. The Civil War had what of the following as "firsts"
  4. What was the first southern state to leave the Union?
  5. About how many people are recorded as dead from the civil war?
  6. The Yankees had a mild "Hurrah!!!" as their battle cry...the Confederates had the "Rebel Yell" which most Yankees compared to a panther scream...who invented it with the remark of "And when you charge, yell like Furies!!!"
  7. Who was the President of the Confederacy?
  8. True or False...Yankee General Grant lose as many men in one summer fighting the south, as Lee had in his whole army
  9. Where did Confederate General Lee surrender?
  10. When John Wilkes Booth shot Yankee President Abe Lincoln, what were the words he screamed out?

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