Do you Really Know The Civil War?

this is really the average test of the civil war. a lot of people say they know all about the civil war. they dont. are you one of those people, or are you smart? take this little challenge to find out.and dont worry, i wont hunt you down, stop laughing... i wont

well, the title says it all. do you know the american civil war? take this quiz to find is really fun..... seriously. well, i trust you will do your best and try to learn something from this.

Created by: jediklives
  1. who fought in THE American civil war?
  2. who was the union gen. for the battle of gettysburg?
  3. where did the surrender of lee to grant take place?
  4. who was current president during 1864?
  5. what year, during the civil war, was a presidential election held?
  6. who did lincoln run agianst for president?
  7. how many days after lee's surrender was lincoln shot?
  8. who shot lincoln?
  9. where was lincoln shot?
  10. how many poeple were caught as conspiritors of the assassination on licoln
  11. how many were hung
  12. true or false one of them was a women
  13. who was loncoln's successor?

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Quiz topic: Do I Really Know The Civil War?