drivers license quiz

THere are many drivers, but few good ones-a driver should never wreck their car or blow it up. Take this quiz-just do it-I SAID DO IT-NOW-good I hope you pass this test

Are you a driver or a hitchhiker- will you ever drive a car in your life-if you score good-woohoo if you didnt-hahaha good luck-AND NO CHEATING- where is the fun in cheating- buy my lemonade

Created by: patrick
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what color and sape is a stop sign
  2. what does a yellow light mean
  3. the speed limit is 55, you are going 100, and there is a cop car coming what do u do
  4. when can you go on a red light?
  5. what does "run a red light" mean
  6. what does "hotwire" mean
  7. what is a taillight
  8. if an ambulance is coming and you are in front of it, what do you do
  9. why are you taking this quiz
  10. have you evar been in a car accident

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