Dream story...13

So hope you like this one you go to mars and met Dreak: black hair with a red streak Chris: dark red hair with a Black streak!!! They are the princes

Of mars. And they have fallen in love with you but in this quiz you can not love them. Maybe in the next you can love one of them! But no this one!!!!!!

Created by: singin234

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Black out. You wake in Alex's house with the boys looking at you. "How long have I been out?" you ask. Alex laughed "2 mins. I have 3 powers after all" (he can teleport) "When I can my hands on Jays neck I will KILL HIM. For deleting you all from my mind" you all laugh. You hug the guy you like. Then the rest "I missed you ***." Alex said. "you better!!" you laughed. Today you thought must be good!!!!!!!! But your still mad at Jay. "Get some rest" Nav said as he looked at you with the weirdest look. "OH MY WHERE IS DUSTIN?" you yell. "He died but we are look for another wish stone like the one you used" Zero told you. A tear slipped from your eye. "Ok. I kept my wish stone" you tell them. Jay smiles that smile that takes you too mars but this time you are going to mars!! "We might find one on Mars I mean it's the only place that has a lot of them. But Olny 3 of us can go to mars! Who wants to come" Yours hand and Nav's shot up first well only hands. Jay laughed "Ok then you two. I will take you guys and Zero, Collin and Alex will stay on earth and look for the stone." you and Nav smiled "I should of put my hand up. Jay can't look after *** at all" mutted zero that only you and Collin could hear. Then Collin shot you a look to say 'I am with Zero be careful' you nod deal you think. Then Alex says in your mind 'Deal for what?' you are about to kill Alex. Alex picks up on this and runs for his life. You hate him reding your mind!!!!
  2. That only leaves Collin, Nav, jay and you in the room. Collin leaves then Jay stops him "what's up with Zero and Alex?" he askes Collin. Nav slipped past Collin and to his room. "Nothing right ***?" Collin says turning to you. Your about to nod when Jay closed the door so the other boys can not here what jay is about to say " Leave HER OUT OF IT!!!" Jay yells as the presses a button that says 'sound proof room' "WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE HER OUT OF YOUR LIFE THAT MIGHT HELP" Collin yelled back. Jay throws Collin a punch it gets him in the gut. They start to fight "STOP STOP" you scream at them. But when both push you away at the same time and you hit the wall and start to bleed. They stop and look at you. You feel tears running down your face. You climb out the window "WAIT!!" they yell but you run onto Navs arms and cry you feel them waching you. But you just cry. You get put in Navs arms and he gose you fix your leg it has a cut with blood. You turn to see Collin and Jays faces they are down and sad. But you look at the sky it's a dark grey cloudy it has a wind softly as the runs though your hair (My FAV type of day) you feel loved but loney for A moment. Bit you realize your not alone you have your dad, Dustin, Nav, Alex, Zero, Jay and yes Collin. "How is your leg?" Asked Zero. Jay and Collin have stayed away from you. "Fine I guess, I mean I not going to die today!!!" you tell him. He laughes and Nav brings you a hot chocolate. "Thanks. Gosh I love you guys" you tell Zero and Nav that are the only ones in the room with you. "Even Collin and Jay" Asked Alex who just walked in. "Yeah them too!! Lets not forget Dustin" Tou remind them. "And Me!!!" Alex reminded you. You, Nav and Zero crack up laughing "She already counted you" Zero got out! "oh" Alex said in a hight tone which made Navs face go red.
  3. Downstairs there is Collin. *Collin* Why did I push her? Why? He thinks. She will Hate me!! They are laughing about me now!! I can feel it!!! I never been this sad before! I going to find Jay!!!!!!! *Jay* I got Collin mad!! Its my fult!! But he said something bader than I did. I should. Say sorry!! O go find him
  4. Back to you. "Oh I am going for a walk!" you tell them. They nod and you go outside for a walk and run into........a tree. "Ouch" you laugh. "I am Sorry for what I said" Collin was saying to jay. Your evedropping on them " Me too. Now let's say sorry to ***" Jay told him. You realize that you on the ground laughing. The wind has blowed your hair crazy!!!!! Be for you can make a run for the house They cach you. "What are you doing?" Asked Jay. "I ran onto a tree" you tell them so innocently they laughed "They IT'S NOT FUNNY !!!!!!!! !!!!!!" you yelled at them. "Okay!! We came to say sorry" They just got out. "Sorry" they said at the same time. "Boys" you shigh and roll your eyes!!!!!! The rest of them come out and Alex asked "what happened?" you say inocently again "I ran onto a tree" they all laughed and they all ended up laying on the ground next to you. The guy you like was next to you holding your hand.
  5. Then it starts raining heavily so you all run inside the guy you like still holding your hand. You and him blush as you guys let go hands. They rest of the boys rool their eyes. "So are we going to mars?" Asked Nav. Jay laughed "Yes come on *** and Nav time to go"" you step into a portal and end up in a red house On mars and if you go outside the house you will die. "We need to see the princes of Mars" Jay said. They lead you to he king (this is so made up) you all bow. "WHO ARE YOU" boomed the King. He has dark red hair and next to him is a guy with dark red hair with a black streak in it and next to that guy was another with black hair with a red steak in it. "Well My name is Jay fire and this lady is *** underwood and this man is Nav Miller, we Are from earth and we came here for a wish stone to bring back Dustin Rain the prince of the good vampires back to life" Jay explained. Then the guy with dark red hair with the black streak came to you and said "I am Chris and my brother is Dreak" He said pointing to the black haired dude with the red streak. "I have head about you. Before your the most powerful person alive and your dad well is...not...." " dead" you but in. The look surprised. Even Jay. "Have you seen him?" Asked Dreak. "Yes and no. In my dreams he told me and it's true so don't laugh!!" you tell them. Then the King spoke. "you will all stay the night! And Dreak show miss underwood to her room and Chris show the other two to theirs. THEN COME BACK TO ME!! You two Dreak" then Dreak and you walk to your room "So you knew Dustin?" he asked. "Yeah but we were not Close. I mean was was closer to the other guys" you tell him. "What do you mean? Other guys?" he says trying to keep jealously out of this voice. "Well Alex Scary, Nav Miller, Jay Fire, Zero Rain and Collin Rain. I am closer to Nav and Collin maybe Zero but they are all my best friends" you tell him. "Zero? He is a prince of vampires to! And so is Collin!! Wow. Well I didnt know that Zero could have friends" you give him a look "Zero is really sweet when you get to know him." Dreak looked crushed "Oh. Well...here is your room night" you grab his wrist (your in the room) "Wait. I am sorry I just was..." your were cut off by him kissing you. His kisses were hard but you kind of liked it! "Night" he said and left. Then you fell asleep.
  6. You wake up and bush your hair and walked out the door and ran into Chris. "Hey ***!! here let's get you something to eat" he said. You nod and walk with him. "So you got a boyfriend?" he asked you. "No why did you ask" you stare at him. "I was just asking" he said rolling his eyes. "Sorry I just hate talking about...well boyfriends" you tell him. He nod "That's ok." then you find Nav and Jay. And sit with them "how are you?" Nav asked. You nod "Good. Just thinking" "about what?" Jay asked "It was a while a go. When Zero turned up. You were not there but Nav was." you tell him with a little laugh. "OK WE OVER REACTED A BIT!" Nav almost yelled. You bust out laughing. Their was only Jay, Nav, you, Chris and Now dreak in the room. "What happened?" Jay asked. "Ok I met Zero in the woods and he was looking for Alex. I showed him to the house Then Alex was worried because I was gone for 10 mins! You should of seen their faces" Jay laughed along with you. "So I was wondering why did Alex run for his life? The other day when you know your leg" Nav asked. Jay and you stared at eachother "Alex read my mind" you tell them. "what did you think?" Jay asked. "I can not tell" "why?" jay asked "Because I made a Deal with Collin that I would not tell you, Jay" Jay looked away and you looked a you leg. Dreak was looking at your leg too! So he and Chris came over "Mind if you sit down?" asked Chris. You said "No" buy Nav and Jay looked like that wanted to say yes
  7. "what happen to your leg?" Dreak asked. "Ask Jay he will know it better than me!¡!¡!" you said pointing to him. "Collin and....I got into a fight and Collin pushed her" he said. "And..." "I pushed her. The window broke and cut her leg. So she climbed out the window and Nav helped her" jay said. They noded. "Oh tell them the funny part" Nav said. Laughing at the thought of it. "I WAS NOT FUNNY. it hurt!!! You try running into a tree!!!!" you tell Nav. But Chris and Dreak started laughing. "It's just how you said it" Dreak said. "I think we are all done! Right?" you say. Still thinking Boys!! Alex laughed filled your head "ALEX!! GET out of my head" you shouted at him. "Oh sorry" he said and left.'"What happened?" Chris asked you. "Alex was in my head again!!"
  8. Dreak looked worried. "well time to see the king" Chris said so you all headed there then the the kind said "MY SON DREAK OS TO MARRY
  9. *** UNDERWOOD TOMPRROW!!" you and Dreak say at the same time "WHAT???"
  10. Bye

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