Dream SMP trivia quiz because no one else would do it.

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I did this because no one else will. Tell me to change answers if I'm wrong.jcd dj kjsnmnvemf s vbfwhkchv fnmknfvbkvw ncn nfsncnnv nvnvvn vn ndm vmnmncnvcn mvmvnvk ,©,m , mc m,m cm

ds,fvnenr,vbkrkekfvnnfevjkbrvwrbjjbfwjlwjlbj2;wnkwk;nveiou34revkrekjrevbek vep wfljfbhkfvbrhkevvmb. Sorry I have to put a certain amount of characters.

Created by: Quinn_
  1. Who was the traitor(s) in the Pogtopia v. LManburg war?
  2. Who was publicly executed?
  3. Who executed them?
  4. Who was the first girl on the server?
  5. Who's Sapnap's canonical dad?
  6. Tommy's dead cow's name.
  7. What or who does Tommy care about?
  8. Technoblade _____ _____.
  9. Tubbo likes what?
  10. Who said "It was never meant to be" first?

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