Dream SMP quiz: how well do you know them?

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Welcome, please dont take the score to serieusly, just go watch EvanMCGaming, he makes vids about the D-SMP (First go make this quiz! there are also a lot other cool stuff on this site)

hey!! good job, you did amazing! Please go watch EvanMCGaming, he gave me all the info I needed. He makes vids about the D-SMP!! There amazing! Only downside, he takes superlong, but anyways, go watch him!

Created by: ElstaerXD
  1. First of all, what does SMP stand for? (This is easy)
  2. What is Dream's birthday? (more then one answers right)
  3. What's GeorgeNotFounds real name?
  4. How old is TommyInnit in 2022, april 1?
  5. Name 3 WilberSoot-songs.
  6. Did Tubbo make a song? (Im not going to ask questions about the storyline)
  7. Whats Dreams real name?
  8. How many (in-game, annoying) kids does Ph1lza have?
  9. Whats TommyInnits real name?
  10. You are a fan of a D-SMP.

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Quiz topic: Dream SMP quiz: how well do I know them?
