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a lot of girls want to go on a date with justin bieber so what would you do in your dream date with justin? Would you go crazy, go along with it, date him, or hate his guts

Are a hater who hates his guts, A crazy fan who wont stop screaming, or a person who likes him the way he is. or maybe you could maybe be in the between.

Created by: Amber
  1. You were in a airplane with Justin and he sits next to you what would you do?
  2. you and him start talking and he said where are you going? you would say
  3. You fall asleep and you were sleeping on his shoulder and woke up what would you do
  4. you guys exchange numbers you......
  5. the plane lands and justins invites you to a party you...
  6. you get to your motel and pick out clothes like...
  7. you call him and he picks you up in a limosine you....
  8. your at the party and you see justins old girlfriend you...
  9. Justin put on a slow song you..
  10. the party ends and walks you to your motel and start talking about...
  11. your at the motel and he kissed you and you say

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