DragonKeeper and the DragonRiders:The Storms Begining

I'd like to thank Angelic4 for the character, Charlotte. SO THANKS Ang! I'd also like to shout out to all my GTQ friends. HEY GUYS I THINK YOUR ALL EPIC!


Created by: Moonblade

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You sencing danger pushes Zane out of the way and you get hit!.......Rex catches you before you hit your head on the floor."Quick get her to the infermary!!"shouts Sneachta.Rex and Max carry you to the infermary, at double quick speed.They place you down on a white-sheeted bed."Wheres the doc?"asks Nathan."Imma coming!"shouts the doc.To everyones surpise its an tall angel."Your the doc?"asks Rex."Charlotte.NOW EVERYONE OUT!"she shouts.Everyone rushed out and 2 more people come in."Ok,ready.Im about to take the stake out.Ready..1...2...3"Charlotte grabs hold of the stake and pulls it out.One of the other nurses amidiatly puts pressure on the wound."Ok,good,now we need to stop the bleeding them i can stich it up"They manage to stop the bleeding and Dr.Charlotte stiches it up."Ok everyone can come in"she gestures to the group and everone comes in.
  2. "Who are they?"asks Lucy pointing at the two nurses."Hi,Im Rendall"Says the boy with messy Jet Black hair and Grey eyes."And this is my sister Candra"he points at the girl next to him.She has Copper curly hair and blue eyes. (i think thats the same as the results.Im sorry if its not)
  3. "So how long will she be out"asks Fuego standing at the door."Sire,I'd say 3 days"says Candra, her voice soft and repectful.'Hello we heard what happened,so came as fast as we could'says Mizar and Dracorus.The heads of the 5 dragons appear through the windows.'How is she'asks Fornax."Shes going to be fine,Forn"says Max.'Who done this to her'says Saiph harshly."My..mum..she kinda staked her"says Zane.'SHE WHAT'yells Mizar."Mizar no,dont get upset"you say calmly.'___ is that you'she looks at you realising that you havnt said anything."What,Mizar"asks Nathan.'Nothing'
  4. "Ok I think we should leave her to sleep"says Charlotte.Everyone agrees and leaves the room.The dragons leave to.You are left alone unconsious.~Few hours later~ The door opens and Rex comes in."Hey _____ i know you cant hear me but Miazr wantd to give you her heart" He sits down and puts Mizar's heart in the necklace he gave you.Then he kisses your forehead and leaves. Nathan then comes in."Hi _____,i miss you please wake up"he says softly.He looks outside the window.But then he dives on the floor as a bolder flies through the window.The wall is tawn apart and Shadow picks you up and attcks Nathan,he falls to the floor.Scaraxe laughs and flies away.
  5. Max, Rex, Lucy, Charlotte, Rendall, Candra,King Feugo,Tsuki,Sneachta and Sakura rush into the room."WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED"Max shouts.Lucy helps Nathan up.Nathan rubs his head "It was Shadow and Scaraxe.They came and took her" He looks at where they flew.And in the distance they something."Hang on"says Tsuki"Isn't that OUR DRAGONS".In the distance they can see all of their DRagons including Charlotte's Dragon,Fiery.~The Dragons~The formation they fly in is Fornax and Dracorous in the front,then Saiph, Fiery and Mixar,lastly Castor and Adhil."Fornax do you know where they went"asks Saiph."NO my sences have been blocked"he replies."Listen younglings"starts Dracourous"I'll show you how we brought the pain in my day".Dracourous depite being old has been in a lot of battles and knows a thing or two about tracking.His sences kick in and he is flying back to Earth leading the Dragons."Dracorous.What is the Legend of the Storm?"asks Fiery."Well its a long story and I think we have time"he says.
  6. By know the dragons are past the celestial barrier and Dracourous starts telling the Legend of the storm."It all started 5 thousand years ago.The founders of the Daggers didnt knoe dragons excicted.The Dragons and our riders lived in peace.Until a terrible storm.Lightning and thunder everywhere,on Earth and Antelioa, thats when they where aware of dragons.One dragon betraide his brothers and killed every person assostated with Dragons and Riders.Only 100 out of 10,00 survied.On that day it was said that the next DragonKeeper would save the dimensions from the Daggers.So far no luck and Scaraxe is trying to kill every DragonKeeper to stop the Legend coming true" he finishes.The other dragons look shocked and are more deturmined to save you.
  7. The Dragons are back on Earth but Mizar realises somthing important."Umm guys I gave _____ my heart to put into her necklace.If the Daggers destry it I will die"she says.~Meanwhile~You slowly open your eyes.You see Scaraxe above you.You try to get up but the pain in your chest is to much."Wakey,wakey"he says evily."Get off me Scar"you say.He drops you on the floor and you yell out in pain.Scaraxe laughs and walks off.
  8. The Dragons land on ice."So.Where now Dragorous"asks Adhil."Let me think"he says.Suddenly Mizar falls to the ground with a bump."Miz.Whats the matter"asks Saiph."MY heart"Mizar gasps"I gave it to _____ for her necklace" ~Back with you~ You are yelling because Scaraxe is hammering Mizars heart."Break will you,Break"he shouts.He hammers it as hard as he can but it doesnt break.he stops amd so does the pain to Mizar.Scaraxe throws the heart on the floor and storms angrily away.
  9. You crawl over to the heart and put it back into your necklace."Oh,Mizar i hope you are ok"you say sadly.You look around and the only thing in the room is you.The walls are grey and mouldy and the floor cold,damp and hard.You start thinking of Max, Rex, Nathan, Lucy and everyone in Antelioa.Then you hear a familiar voice.3 dagger henchmen come rushing in with Rex! You see him struggling and then thrown on the floor."REX"you shout you crawl over to him and roll him on his side.He is unconsious...
  10. "Oh Rex!"you gasp.You dont know what to do."What will happen to Castor"you think to yourself.Then suddenly Shadow comes crashing through the wall and....CLIFFHANGER!!
  11. Who do you like?????

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