Dr Who Wholians Quiz

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You can never in your life win all of the quizzes so do not be ashamed of how you did it is just a quiz that is fun so please do not get upset of how you did.

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that Dr Who title could it be you who wins the title just do not brag about how you did it is a fun quiz.

Created by: Ella Rose McDowall
  1. What is the Doctor's home planet?
  2. What 2 things did the Doctor carry in his pocket?
  3. What was Rose Tyler's mum's name?
  4. What does the Doctor's TARDIS stand for?
  5. In the episode "Tooth and Claw" who founded the Torchwood Institute after an experience with the beloved Doctor?
  6. In "The Doctor's Daughter," what is the name of his daughter?
  7. In "Silence in the Library" the Doctor meets Professor River Song. What does she whisper in the Doctor's ear?
  8. In "The Christmas Invasion"what species of alien does the doctor defeat?
  9. How many years has Doctor Who been on tv for?
  10. Who is the twelfth Doctor?

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