Down With Webster

There are many people that think that they really know down with webster, but they really dont! if you take this quiz, you will deffinatly learn some things! But its not weather you win or loose, its that we all won!

You really need to take this quiz right now, either to improve your knowledge or just get to know them! Start this quiz right now and be amazed! But its not weather you win or loose, its that we all won!

Created by: Erika

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you following down with webster on facebook
  2. What is the name of their first album on itunes?
  3. What month is Marty and Tylers birthday in?
  4. Which of the following is true
  5. Which video has the most views on Youtube
  6. How long has DWW been together if it is 2011
  7. Cam is...
  8. Finish the lyric: I got speakers in my sneakers so I
  9. Finish the saying: Its not weather you win or loose, its that we all
  10. According to Bucky, what does W stands for...

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