Double Magic: Reveal

When an eerie light shines through town one night, it effects Willa's friends and family. Can Willa find her magic? Will she find the rest of the coven? And will the creator of this quiz ever write an amazing story?

Willa has long blond hair and blue eyes. Audrey has carmel hair and green eyes. Siva has brown hair and eyes. I'll describe more characters as the story progresses. The next story will be in Audrey's POV.

Created by: S_E_
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The room was pitch black. Willa fumbled around to find the curtains, then yanked them open. It was still dark, most likely early morning. She realised the streetlights were ot, a power outage. Grumbling, she found a flashlight and went downstairs. Her mother was asleep, slumped over her laptop.
  2. Willa sighed, then went upstars to change. She made her way down to te other end of the hall, to her parents' room. "Dad!" She saidd, knocking on the door. "Power's out." He said what might've been an okay. Willa went back downstairs. After a moment she decided a Peanutbutter sandwich didn't need power. She ate it in silence, until upstairs she heard: "I can't find my clock!" Jack pounded down the stairss, upset by the lack of electricity. Willa was about to say something, when there was a loud boom. Willa ran outside, And a flash of light bursted through the town.
  3. "Maybe a transformer blew in town?" Mom said an hour later. Everybody was up now, and the light was bright enough to see. "No, I don't think so." Michael said. Willa was the midle child, Jack was 16, Michael was 14, Willa was 13, and her two little sister's, Meghan and Lindsey, were 10 and 2. Willa and her brothers headed to school, and Willa noticed something un-nerving. As they passed the house of the man who ran the butcher shop -he despised children- she saw a breif image of a midieval butcher, scowling and saying, "You'll die one day, swine!" Willa was suddenly urged to get to school.
  4. At school, Willa was trying to find her friends, when she had another vision. Audrey Mason, daughter of mayor Mason, was walking down the hall with her lackeys. Willa saw a midieval princess with her ladies in waiting. Willa finally found her friends, Alyssa and Siva. When told her friends about the visions, Siva said it had also happened to her. "Yeah, right. Stop looking for attention." Alyssa turned away.
  5. After class, Willa stopped at the school library. She found a book on midieval magic, and checked it out before heading out to see Micheal and Jack. Mom pulled upto them on the sidewalk though, and drove them home. "Magic, huh? I hope you don't plan on sinking in the river." Micheal joked. "I can swim, thankyouverymuch." Willa retorted.
  6. He nodded his head as if he 'totally' belived her. Willa got out of the car and went up to her bedroom. A scroll was on her desk, waiting to be read. She put her bag on the bed and opened the scroll.
  7. It read: A coven of witches, a six-penth their worth, with evil, shall struggle, to saveth thine earth. To aid their quest, I give them a clue, twill aid them by showing natures true.
  8. Willa knew what she had to do. She called Siva. "But Willa, it's Homecoming!" Siva yelled into the phone, wich was now on Willa's floor. "Look, I need to talk to Audrey about something!" Willa heard the line go dead, and breathed a sigh of relief. She went to the staircase. "Hey mom, can I go to Homecoming on friday?" She saw three splatters of milk. "Homecoming? You?" Mom, Jack and Micheal asked. "Yeah. I have a dress I can wear." Another splash sprayed the floor. "Hank!" Her mother yelled.
  9. Friday came pretty quick. Willa saw Audrey alone at the puch bowl, and tapped her shoulder. Can I talk to you about something?" Audrey raised an eyebrow. "No." Willa thought back to the night before. She had been sitting in her room when she accidently sent her bed flying across the floor just by flicking her hand. She tried to make Audrey follow like that, and it almost worked, until something zapped her wrist. "Ow!" Audrey grinned, then dragged Willa out to the hallway.
  10. "Listen up, Willa. I happen to be a dangerous witch. So after you tell whatever it is," "I'm a witch too." Willa interupted. "And I need your help." Audrey scowled. "I will never help you!"

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