HAVE you ever wondered what is was like for Michael in the story?(IF you read the other vesion)? Well no worries! Now you can with the new version of DON'T LOOK BEHIND YOU!(WARNING:this is a long STORY NOT A QUIZ!) Enjoy!

Michael was celebrating his mate getting his drivers licence when decided to text his girlfriend to let her know that she would be ALONE for the night. However she misunderstood and broke down! BUT while driving back home he gets a call from his girlfriend who claims she saw a black figure behind her until suddenly...she lets out A BLOOD CURDLING SCREAM! Is she still alive or is she DEAD?

Created by: Crystal willow
  1. DON'T LOOK BEHIND YOU: Season1 episode 1 THE SCREAM: Andrew just got his driving license , so you're going to his house to celebrate with a gaming night.
  2. Oh dear i hope a can talk without her getting scared....oh well here goes...
  3. Shoot! Now what do i say?
  4. ....I kNOW!(You can skip this part if you watched this episode from JADE'S point of view- JUST remember to tick the options\story )
  5. You where crying? Are you ok?
  6. MICHAEL: THATS IT! we are turning AROUND! I can't bear to be away from JADE when she sounds THIS UPSET! her EX-HUSBAND cheated on her-WITH his OTHER wife! Ever since then she has been afraid to date and can easily get stressed!
  7. JADE:HELP!! If I'M NOT ALONE THERE IS A BLACK FIGURE i- too-scar-to-mo-v-e......
  8. SCREEEEEeEeCHCH! ANDREW: THAT WAS SSo sso...HORRIFYING! I-i-crashed-the-car!!!
  9. MICHAEL:iiiits just a prank!its JUST A PRANK!-RUN FASTER!
  10. OPERATOR: where abouts again? MICHAEL:grimlow cove 15 Hamilton street!
  11. MICHAEL:wait..she didn't call you?
  12. TO BE CONTINUED..... (Sorry that was long but hey? Its a story not a quiz!)

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