Dogs or Cats Quiz?

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There ar many different species of cats and dogs. They are both amazing creatures in different peoples opinion. Take this test and see if your a dog lover or cat lover!!!

DO you like cats or dogs? Dogs can be rough or nice but having a dog can come to its consequences. They can bite you! Cats are the same way but they scratch in stead of bite!!!

Created by: rincie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Puppys or kittens.
  2. Cat pee or dog poop.
  3. Scratches or bites.
  4. Purring or licking.
  5. Growl or hiss
  6. Big dog small cat.
  7. Outside or inside.
  8. Licks your face or dosnt care for you.
  9. Manly dog or girly cat.
  10. Dog or cat

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