Doggie trust story :0

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So is it the dog or the hamster, take this quiz to find out! This quiz features you adopting a couple of pets as you are getting lonely but, mischievous behaviors arise and you have to pick sides! Which will you choose? answer honestly and don't be harsh! OR ELSE :000

I hope you enjoy this quiz! and um yeah that's really all I have to say so yeah do-do-do-do-do-la-la-la-la-laaaaaaaaaaa okay it's enough words already

Created by: Nat & Penny
  1. What type of dog would you like? If the dog you want is not in any of these answers click "none of these"
  2. Poodle mixes
  3. More poodle mixes
  4. Small doggos
  5. More small doggos
  6. Big pups
  7. More big pups
  8. Enough! Now for the actual test or whatever... You just got a new dog along with a hamster! You want to buy them both food because you are out...
  9. You get home and let them try the food. They are not fond of that kind what will you do?
  10. You had also bought treats for them THEY'RE FAVORITE KIND! You left them on the second to the lowest shelf in your pantry, and not to your surprise they're gone... What will you do?
  11. You have made the most perfect BLT and are SUPER excited to eat it! But your dog looks at you with puppy eyes, signaling that they REALLY want that sandwich! What will you decide to do?
  12. You are sitting watching your favorite movie and your dog wants to go outside to head to the bathroom. Will you take them out?
  13. You are about to go to sleep and your puppy looks scared, will you let them sleep on your bed?
  14. You wake up to find your dog and your hamster missing! You start searching for them and see flashing lights a mist coming from the living room, you go to see what's happening, and both your dog and your hamster holding knives but once they see you they drop them immediately! What do you think (I know it's dumb XD)
  15. You have to help defend one of them... But who shall you choose?

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