dog quiz (its fun)

Do you have a dog a cat or both then probably you have to research to win this its only for anyone just play the quiz and please comment if you want .

So ready to start dogs are awesome so I hope you like them too because this is the quiz of a life time Soooooooo Goooooood Luckkkkkkkkkkk Havveeeeee Fuuuuunnnnn!!!!!

Created by: carolina12
  1. Do dogs fart?
  2. Which smells worse-Dogs or Cats poop?
  3. Is it a lot of responsibility for a dog.
  4. Is each human year how many for a dog?
  5. How should you celebrate a dogs birthday?
  6. You never cut your dogs hair and you never had any experience...
  7. Which isn't a dog breed?
  8. Are all dogs hair...
  9. Dogs should be trained NOT to..
  10. Did you like my quiz?

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