Does your pet like you?

Some peoples pets like them some love them and some just hate their owners. Well most pets love their owners but for some not going to happen. If your pet likes you good for you. Other people just don't get pets because their pet always hates them. Ha Ha..

Does your pet like, love, or hate you? Take this quiz to find out because ya know he/she really might hate you so.... If he does well than give yourself a pat on the back. If he does'n thenhit yourself in the head multiple times.No more than 101.

Created by: Pat McGinty

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does your pet ever wine?
  2. Does your pat like to be around you?
  3. Does your pat do tricks?
  4. Is your pet a male or female?
  5. Does your pet ever sit by the door when your gone and wait for you to come back?
  6. Do you play with your pet?
  7. Do you think your pet likes you?
  8. Is your pet within 10 feet of you now?
  9. When was the last time you gave your pet a good cleaning?
  10. Does your pet sleep a lot?
  11. Does your pet constantly go to the same spot all of the time?

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Quiz topic: Does my pet like you?