does your mom care and love you?

hi every one I love u and I hope u like this test I gave it a lot of thought in to it please love a think if u love it think oh it please love it and a few min you will love it just like me

hi you are a wonderful person I hope u love this test I worked every hard on this test so please love it and its a great quiz in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: ariana of does my mom love me
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. does your mom cook with you?
  2. does you mom go to the mall
  3. how well do you guys hag out?
  4. whould your mom care if u smoke
  5. when u get out of school what is she doing
  6. if your mom works from home what does she do when u walk in
  7. do u think you mom loves you
  8. if your mom could go back so u would not be born would she?
  9. does you mom say she loves you
  10. how long do u see your mom every day
  11. are u sad and lonly

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Quiz topic: Does my mom care and love you?