Does your Love, love you back?

This quiz may or may not be accurate I made it at 11:47 pm, I based it on my own opinions. I hope this quiz gives you hope and doesn't crush your dreams.

Have fun!!! Don't let the results get your hopes to high or low, just remember at what time I made this. You will have as good of a chance as anyone. Unless you tell yourself otherwise.

Created by: Eve
  1. Have you met this person?
  2. Are you friends?
  3. Do you hang out a lot?
  4. Do your parents know each other?
  5. Do you share the same interests?
  6. Do you catch them glancing?
  7. Are they the same orientation?
  8. What chemistry do you feel between you two?
  9. Are they nervous around you?
  10. Are they over confident?
  11. Why is YOUR opinion?

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Quiz topic: Does my Love, love you back?
