Does Your Gay Friend Like You?

You might have a gay friend. It doesn't matter. Lots of people might be gay. (Not ME of course.) Anyway, this test was made so you can see just how much your gay friend probably likes you.

Your gay friend might not know about this test, but does that matter? (I think not!) So it might be a little weird if your friend just sees you smiling for no reason. Well, actually, you might smile if you got a high score on this test. So, try this test to see how much your gay friend likes you.

Created by: Bob the Builder
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you make your friend feel comfortable and relaxed a lot?
  2. Do you take your friend out to movies and restaurants?
  3. Did he ask you out?
  4. Does your friend seem very interested in your life?
  5. Do you date your friend?
  6. Do you have romantic moments?
  7. Do you flirt with your friend?
  8. Does your friend try to impress you?
  9. Are there lots of nervous times when you are alone with your gay friend?
  10. Does your gay friend buy you lots of presents?

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Quiz topic: Does my Gay Friend Like You?