does your dog like you | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz does your dog like you.
65% this is it! time to see your scorwe. good or bad65%
petting is a very good thing...petting and more prtting and treats and all that stuff works yes do all that
No offense, but this was not a very good quiz. It started out okay, but towards the end, you started making no sense. And I honestly think I should've gotten a 100% on his because, for one thing, I've had six dogs, three right now, and one of my dogs that I was thinking of is named Bama. She's a German Shepherd mix, and we rescued her when she was a puppy. And when I say rescue, I actually mean it. If we didn't adopt her, then she would've died because two days later, an illness spread through that place and killed all of their puppies, and about half of their dogs. And now, Bama is probably he sweetest dog ever. About every morning, she jumps up on my bed and licks my face till I wake up. She listens to me, and is always near me. So, next time you make a quiz like this, make sure you have proper grammar so people can understand you, and make sure you cover all the questions and answers that could be asked for your quiz.
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