Does your crush REALLY like YOU? For girls.

There are many people who have crushes on each other, but only a few are true love. First of all we must ask, do our crushes really like us girls........?

Does your CRUSH really like YOU? If you see potential in both of you, find out if you crush REALLY likes you, so you can ask him on a date. Take a few seconds to run by the quiz and find out!

Created by: Firestar

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Does your crush talk to your a lot?
  2. Does he talk to you lovingly?
  3. Imagine this. Your crush askes you out. Does this ever happen?
  4. You follow your crush one day and find him talking to another girl. Do you......
  5. You feel like crying after you saw your crush kiss another girl. Did you see....
  6. He kissed you. Was it....
  7. You were playing spin the bottle. It lands on your crush. Does he look.....
  8. You were out with your crush. Did he ask you by....
  9. Second to last question. Your crush touches you. Does he do it like this.....
  10. Would you rate this quiz....

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Quiz topic: Does my crush REALLY like YOU? For girls.