Does your crush like you back?? Why not find out here!!

If you have a crush and want to know if they like you back take this quiz to find out!!! Comment and tell me what you think and i can take any critisism

Good Luck I hope you find out what you want to here. I made this quiz because i have a crush and i always wished that he noticed me and liked me so i hop you enjoy this quiz!!

Created by: Amy Holt
  1. Are you friends with your crush
  2. When you talk does your crush...
  3. Does he talk to you
  4. Where do you see each other
  5. If you went on a date with him what would you do
  6. For a moment imagine if you were going out with him...Okay so you walk in your bedroom and see you BOYFRIEND cheating on you with your BEST FRIEND!!! What would you do?? Choose wisely!!
  7. If you had kids with him how many would you have
  8. How would you want him to propose
  9. How long have you known your crush
  10. And finally what do you look for in a boyfriend

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you back?? Why not find out here!!
