Does your crush like you back? ;)

I'd say this quiz is pretty accurate, and i do suggest u take it! Would not hurt at all to see if he likes u back! If he likes you then im absolutly thrilled for u! :D

If it says he doesnt like, its kk, keep at and dont play too much hard to get or too much coming on too strong just be happy smile, be yourself :) I hope u all r happy w/ ur scores! :)

Created by: Alexis
  1. Are you already friends with him??
  2. Have you ever caught him staring/looking at you??
  3. Do u guys ever talk??
  4. Does he palyfully tease u??
  5. Does he ever find an excuse to talk to you??
  6. Is he single?
  7. Does he look directly into ur eyes when he talks 2 u??
  8. Does he go outta his way just 2 hang w/ u??
  9. please, please be honest... Do u think he likes u back??
  10. If u have ever been in love, do u feel the same love towards him??

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you back? ;)