Does your crush like you?

Do you want to know if your crush likes you? It's confusing isn't it? 1 minute there all over your flirting with you and e next minute they don't like you and can't stand you

Well now all your troubles are over about your crushes!! Because now you have clicked on this quiz and there is No going back!! Jks so now it is time to see if your crush likes you!!

Created by: Izzy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How much do you know about him?
  2. Dus he ever stare at you?
  3. Does he tease you? And how?
  4. Have you ever hugged him?
  5. Have you even kissed him?
  6. When your crush stares at you how long do you hold eye contact?
  7. Does he look you in the eye when he's speaking to you?
  8. What's ur fave colour
  9. What's his fave colour?
  10. Does he or has he ever tried to make you laugh?
  11. Do you think he likes you? (LAST QUESTION!!)

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you?