does your crush like you?

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Ok here you go this is a quiz to see if your crush likes you and I you should ask them out. no matter what gender you can answer all the questions. I promise.

This may help this may not but please don't get upset if they don't like you it will be fine how needs a partner anyway. (Says a girl who has one) oops.

Created by: Mia wilson
  1. Do they hide from you when they are near you
  2. Do they laugh when they see you?
  3. Do they go read
  4. Do they imitate you?
  5. Are they clumsy
  6. Do they smile every time they are near you?
  7. they talk nonsense?
  8. They makes eye contact don't they
  9. Do they show off?
  10. Do they get jealous when you talk to another Girl/Boy?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you?
