Does your best friend like you???

It is good to have friends. While some people find friends for themselves, others find friends not so easily. Think yourself lucky to have a friend!!!

Yes, you should have... But are they TRUE friends? Maybe not!!!! Do you know for sure? This weird little quiz will snap you into your senses, and help you too find out!

Created by: Anonymous
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does your friend come visit you often, or walk with you?
  2. What do you do together??
  3. Do you help each other a lot?
  4. Do they involve you in conversation?
  5. Do they involve you in conversation?
  6. Do they involve you in conversation?
  7. Do you understand each other a lot?
  8. How near do you live?
  9. How does he or she greet you??
  10. Do you care for the person? Does he care for you?

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Quiz topic: Does my best friend like you???