Does Someone Have a Crush On You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Does Someone Have a Crush On You?
i got 83% and i have a boyfriend. and when the questions said "someone" i wasnt answering for him O.O sweetnesssss
50/50 XD well thats not helpful
tsukii2 -
I got 83 percent chanses that some crush with me
I got a slim chance. meh
Who could like me?
Oh wait....That creepy guy....
O_oIceBabe1 -
21% no that accurate
i dont know anybody -
i need a quiz for us people that dont talk to our crushes !!
nattheog1 -
idek why I'm doing this quiz, my crush didn't need to even need to reject me
rin11061 -
Like this and my last comment the one that said I got 58% pls
Glaxy1 -
Honestly I just took this quiz to see if there's a girl stalking me everyday
17 % so it has to be accurate, bcs i’m not really someond you would have crush on, more like someone who has crush on you.
63% ehh not too bad
deez1231 -
17% 💔
jr fan1 -
i got 100 % lol scary i was talking about ALL hte boys in my class :S so me for 6rf and ellie for 6 DW lol
OMG I think my crush likes me
Hey 'Twizzle',...your full of it...>:�
29% chance. ha lol.xD
f---. -
90% good quiz kish XD
manders1 -
Bro y u talking bout x's??!!!