Does she really like you? I mean REALLY

The Question Every boy really wants to know: Does she Really Like You!!!? This is based of cientific study so it will prove whether she likes you... or not.

Do you wan to know if the girl sitting nect to you in class or church or wherever you are LIKES you? Now you can! This quiz is based off scientific study.

Created by: Sexybaby59 of
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does she laugh at Everything you say?
  2. Does she stare at you?
  3. Does she compliment you
  4. Does she smile at you?
  5. Does she ask random questions? (ex. Can I have a pencil? or What food do you like?)
  6. Does she sit by you?
  7. Does she hang out with you during Lunch or any free time during the day?
  9. Sorry about that... Does she ask you for help with EVERYTHING?
  10. Are you hot cool popular etc.? Answer truthfully!

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