Does she like you (made by a female)?

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This quiz is made by a female; so I know the mixed signals we give off. I also know the signals that we give when we like a dude, so here you go. A “does she like you” quiz.

Created by: Malli
  1. This is really stereotypical for “does she/he like you quizzes” but how often does she stare at you?
  2. How easy is it to make her laugh for you?
  3. Skip this question if she’s an extrovert. Does she do any of these things?
  4. Skip this question if she’s an introvert. Does she do any of the things listed below?
  5. Does she ever playfully touch you (example: pat you on the back, hug you, etc)?
  6. The rest of these have no effect.
  7. ...
  8. ...
  9. Comment if you wanna
  10. Pls rate (I care more about mah rates then mah comments)

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