Does she like you? (for girls)

I often take quizzes about whether my crushes like me, but I always have a lot of problems with them. They are never consistent, the "does she like you" quizzes are always for boys, and they are always so long but it doesn't feel like they're any better.

So I made a quiz that is short but accurate, made by someone lgbtq+ for someone lgbtq+ . I hope you enjoy my quiz!!!!!!(sorry I had to hit the word count lol)

Created by: Luna Hayes
  1. Does she blush when she sees you?
  2. How long have you known her?
  3. How many significant others has she had in the past year?
  4. Does she know you like her?
  5. Do you know her sexuality?
  6. Has she ever told you what she thinks of you, or at least dropped hints?
  7. Have people ever talked about how she feels about you?
  8. What do you say or do when you want to flirt with her?
  9. How does she respond when you flirt?
  10. (last one) How did you like my quiz?(no effect on score)

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