Does She Like You? (Boys ONLY) by a girl

Wondering if she likes you? Take this quiz to find out! This was written by a middle school girl, with a LOT, of crushing experience. Trust me, I KNOW when a girl likes someone. What are you waiting for?!!! COME ON, PAL!!!

No seriously, this is a sweet quiz. Also, PLZ PLZ PLZ comment!!! I just wanna know if people actually take this, and I wanna know if I give good advice!!! For relationship advice go to Mr Brent98, or Josh Tryhane on YouTube. Also, this is mainly for teenage boys, but any age will do!!!

Created by: Cat Disney
  1. How does she look at you?
  2. Does she compliment you?
  3. Does she bite her lips?
  4. How does she act around you?
  5. Does she get you stuff?
  6. You would describe her as:
  7. How do you treat her?
  8. Has she asked about what you like to do, what food you like, where you like to hang out, etc...
  9. Is she single?
  10. do her friends act weird around you?
  11. Thanks for taking my quiz!!! PLEASE comment!!! Also say how this helps or not!!! GOOD LUCK!!!

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