Does she like you?

There are many girls in this world, but does SHE like you? Does she really?! You are dying to know!! Take this quiz and find out if SHE really does!!!

Does she like you? In just few minutes, find out if she does!!! If you are under the age of 9 please do not take this quiz. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Connie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does she look at you?
  2. Does she look nervous around you?
  3. Does she hang out with you and your friends?
  4. Has she ever asked you if you like her?
  5. Does you have physical contact?
  6. Did you like this quiz?
  7. Do you have things in common?
  8. Will you leave a rating?
  9. Do you think she likes you?
  10. Leave a comment please!

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